Sign-up Information

Information coming soon!

Neuvithesley Bang Schedule

Date OpenDate ClosedEvent
August 12August 25Interest Check
September 2September 29Writer Sign-ups
September 23October 20Artist & Beta Sign-ups
October 14-Writer Summaries Due
October 28-Artists+Beta Summary preferences submitted
November 11-Tentative matches decided
November 17-Matches finalized & Work period begins
December 15-Check-in #1
January 12-Check-in #2
February 9-Check-in #3
March 9-Final Submission Date
March 17-Posting Begins

*dates are subject to change. any changes will be announced.

Welcome to the 2024 Neuvithesley Bang!

This is an event in which writers and artist collaborate. Every writer must submit a plot summary that will be shown anonymously to be claimed for the artists, according what are they most interested on creating for.Depending on the number of writers and artist, there would be one artist per writer or more. The fic can have more than one chapter and art can be a full illustration or a comic.-----------This is a fixed dynamic event so all works must be Neuvithesley (top Neuvillette/bottom Wriothesley, NO top Wriothesley). We are ok accepting switch writers or artists, but the work they present MUST be strictly Neuvithesley.This event will have separate options for SFW, NSFW, and Dead Dove content, every one with a respective channel in the event discord.Considering the topics we'll have, this event is limited to 18+ participantsYou can sign up as a writer/artist team, but you need to indicate who you'll work with in your application (For team applications, only one of the parties needs to fill out the form).You can sign up for more than one role (writer, artist or beta), but be mindful of your capabilities to be able to complete all your duties.You are required to have a discord account to join the event, and all discord content should be strictly Neuvithesley (no content of the other dynamic will be accepted in the server).At the posting period, you should post your fic/art in the AO3 collection we'll make and on twitter with the #Neuvithesleybang hashtag and @nvtlbang.

Neuvithesley Bang FAQ

Q: What is a Bang?A Big Bang (or "Bang" for short) is a specific type of challenge where writers and artists collaborate to create a long fic accompanied by illustration(s). In some cases, beta readers will also participate so that the written work will be in its best form. The collaborating group is given a set amount of time to fulfill their expected role before they post during a given time period. The flood of produced material on the assigned post date is what constitutes as a "Bang".This project is non-profit, open to everyone, and has no limit on number of participants. As such there will be no application process but a sign-up process instead.Q: How is a Bang different from a zine?Zines have an application process and only accept a certain number of participants. A zine's goal is to create a collection of the created work in one place (a physical/digital book) to be distributed (for free/profit).A Bang is non-profit, open to everyone, and has no limit on number of participants. Each participant will post their work on their own account(s) on a scheduled time communicated by the organisers of the event. The Neuvithesley Bang account will then share the posted work on X. If the work is also posted on AO3 it will be added to a collection dedicated to this event.Q: Are there any requirements to be able to participate?You must be 18+ and you must have a discord account to join the server where we will host the event. If you're a writer, you should also have an AO3 account by the time we get to the posting date.Q: If participant turns 18 by the time the work period begins, are they allowed to participate?Participants must be 18+ during sign up. This is non-negotiable. As this collaboration will include nsfw works, we have decided to limit participation regardless if collaborators are working on sfw or nsfw. We hope to keep strict guidelines so that this project may proceed without hiccups.Q: What is expected of the writers?All participants are expected to follow our schedule and rules. Should a participant be unable to, this is to be communicated with the mods.Writers are expected to write fics of a minimum word count of 5000 words. There is no maximum word count.Q: What is expected of the artists?All participants are expected to follow our schedule and rules. Should a participant be unable to, this is to be communicated with the mods.Artists are expected to match the effort their matched writer puts in.
Artists will be expected to produce at least one of the following:
— one fully rendered illustration
— three semi-polished (coloured/b&w) sketches/drafts
— some combination thereof
The artist may choose any style or colours they believe would fit their artwork and the fic they are drawing for. We realize there are many coloring, rendering, sketching and lineart styles, so please consider this a guideline.Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about your desired contribution.Q: What is expected of the beta readers?Beta readers are expected to join the discord server and take up the "beta reader" role. Just like artists, they are given a choice as to which summarized fic they wish to pair up with. If the writer is looking for a beta, the beta reader will then be matched into the group.Beta readers are expected to assist writers as the event progresses and participate in check-ins, just like writers. They may also participate by helping in the common writing channels, where other writers may post questions.Q: What is a pinch artist?Pinch artists will be asked to provide art in case an artist drops out and a writer goes without a partner. In that case, we will be reaching out to relevant pinch artists with a summary of the fic. Pinch spots will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.As a pinch artist may have to produce art on short notice, you aren't required to adhere to the same standard as others. However, you will be expected to communicate effectively with mods and your team regarding progress.Q: Can I join with a partner?Yes, you can join as a writer/artist team. In this case, we'll require you to send to your partner the server link, and mention in the aplication form their name and role. Only one of you needs to fill out the form.Q: How does the matching process work?Writers will be asked to provide early summaries (including warnings and tags) to be displayed on a page for artists to choose from. Summaries will be sorted according to their category (SFW, NSFW, and Dead Dove). The author of each summary will be kept anonymous on this page.Each artist will then give us their 3 most preferred summaries as well as which (if any) fics they will not draw for. Based on those preferences, we will be matching a fic to each artist. Depending on the length of works and the availability of artists, some groups may have multiple artists or an artist can choose to create for multiple fics.Beta readers go to the same process as artists.Q: How do check-ins work?On the date of the check-in participants will send their current progress into the assigned channel on the Bang discord.If a participant finds themselves unable to check-in on time, they’re encouraged to let us know ahead of time. While participating in this even ought to be a challenge, it is also supposed to be fun, so do not stress too much about missing a check-in.If the participant hasn't communicated missing a check-in with us ahead of time, we will be reaching out to them after the date has passed. We are looking more for “a sign of life” than progress, so please reply to us 🥺👉👈 Communication is vital to our mutual success!Q: What is the timezone for deadlines?The cut-off time on deadlines will be in UTC.Q: Can we opt out of beta readers? Are we allowed to find our own beta-readers?You can opt out of beta readers, or you can find your own beta reader. All that is required is that you credit your beta, even if they are not signed up with us.Q: Are crossovers/other pairings/side pairings allowed?Crossovers and side pairings are allowed as long as the main content is still Neuvithesley.Q: Are there rules for how Neuvillette and Wriothesley have to interact?We assume you’re here to write/draw Neuvithesley, whatever your interpretation of that dynamic. Feel free to write or draw them in whatever way best pleases you.Q: Is there a drawing level required to participate?Any drawing level is accepted, there won't be a selection process, because everyone who fills the sing up form will get into the event.We will only ask you to follow the guidelines for artist in your style and capacities.

Neuvithesley Bang Mods

Starving artist looking for food (Neuvithesley content).

Ann | Cavalierious
Hi I'm Ann. I'm old, a little gray and I write a lot. I'm big into the old people in love.

James | thetealord
Your local trans wrio, pet play and eggpreg writer.

any pronouns
I want to pamper and give Wrio the world, so I make Neuvillette do it for me (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Olen | phantoma
Lover of big beefy bottoms.

Quietly waving ‘Wriothesley has ADHD’ flag from a corner.